What People Are Saying
Enjoyed the location. Anirban Basu was excellent. We should have him back. Dr. Weiss was good, but had a hard act to follow. It was a morning well spent
Great food, great connections. We are looking forward to the next meeting
I’m very supportive of the in-person only option going forward – today’s topic and discussions were very thought provoking. I am always glad I take the time to attend, turn off my electronics and completely pay attention.
Every speaker added value to this meeting. I really appreciated that our vendor speaker did not sell, rather he focused on topics of concerns to us all. The round table was excellent because it gave us a chance to listen to our peers and remind us of the talent we have in the forum.
Thanks so much for your support; the insight I’ve gained from participating in the Forum had a big impact in landing this opportunity.
This CIO Forum is a great event and very well done. We appreciate the opportunity to be a part of this distinguished group.
“I really appreciated the time and insight. As I mentioned to you yesterday having such a group to talk to about relevant topics is invaluable.
Thanks again for a great year, this forum is such a fantastic group to be a part of.
I enjoyed all of the presentation as well as the Birds of a Feather breakout session. There was a lively discussion as a follow up to Marks’ presentation. Data Governance and the reorganization to a product-oriented support model was of key interest. The student feedback that Dr. Bailey shared was very interesting and provided insight into the challenges faced by H Ed. in trying t0 quickly adapt and adopt this evolving technology.
Another excellent forum meeting. The December meeting is one of my favorites as the speakers are always top notch and the location is hard to beat. I thought the opportunity to interact with other forum members both beforehand and afterwards was a huge benefit.
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