Scholarship Program Career Development Agenda

Mid-Atlantic CIO Forum

The Mid-Atlantic CIO Forum has a scholarship program open to information technology majors at Towson University. Our goal with the scholarship program is to develop the best talent in our field and in our area in the hopes that they will pursuit an IT career. We have sought the best and brightest in each year to help them succeed in their education through this program.

A review of all recent Towson University graduates majoring in information technology who were starting their careers with CIO Forum member companies showed the following:

Mid-Atlantic CIO Forum member companies that have hired TU students as fulltime employees:


State of Maryland, Department of Commerce (DOC)

Whiting Turner Contracting

Mid-Atlantic CIO Forum member companies that have hired TU students as interns:


Maryland State Retirement and Pension System * Summer Youth Works Program

McCormick & Co., Inc.


Mind Over Machines

Sheppard Pratt

State of Maryland, Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services (DPSCS)

The conclusion from this is that while the Mid Atlantic CIO Forum selected the best and brightest for our scholarship program, and as CIO Forum members have invested in these scholarship awardees, we have not, as a process, taken the next step to arrange priority career development access to this group by CIO Forum member companies.

As a result, going forward, the CIO Forum will establish an agenda and process that will provide priority access to our graduating scholarship awardees each year to CIO Forum companies.

Aspects of this process could include:

  • Establish a structured networking process that would allow CIO Forum scholarship winner easy and exclusive access to CIO Forum members
  • Push CIO Forum member’s IT open position directly to our graduating Scholarship program winners.

The goal for the upcoming school year will be to conclude the development of the procedures for this and implement it for this year and previous year’s CIO Forum scholarship awardees.

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