About the CIO Forum

CIOForum information brochure

Mission Statement

To work in partnership with members of the CIO Forum to identify challenges and issues in information technology and set an agenda of activities to facilitate interchange and learning among participants. To provide an environment where CIOs are comfortable to network and have in-depth candid discussions with peers. To foster the continued improvement of the Information Technology field by encouraging open dialogue, continuing learning and academic scholarship.

Vision Statement

To foster excellence in information technology in a CIO-friendly environment that provides a venue for education and networking where members can share information and exchange experiences in peer-to-peer discussions.

A CIO Friendly Meeting Place

The Mid-Atlantic CIO Forum aims to serve the following business populations:

  • Executives responsible for information technology and/or the infusion of technology into products and services.
  • Senior managers interested in expanding their knowledge of information technology.
  • Professional staffs of member organizations needing to expand their knowledge of information technology.

The Mid-Atlantic CIO Forum provides an intimate but diversified meeting place where CIO’s are comfortable to network and have in-depth candid discussions with peers. How do we accomplish this?

  • All meetings are by invitation only.
  • All regularly scheduled meetings are held on the third Thursday of the month from September through May.
  • There are two types of memberships There are CIO members and there are a special group of vendor members. CIO members can participate in all Forum meetings. Vendor members participate in full membership meetings.
    • There are “CIO Roundtable ” meetings. These meetings are by invitation only to CIO members and selected guest participants. All attendees must have pre-signed a non-disclosure agreement in order to participate even as a presenter in the meeting. These meetings are smaller, more intimate, interactive meetings between the member CIO’s.
    • The second type of meeting is the CIO Roundtable Plus meeting which started in the 2006-2007 year. This meeting uses the roundtable format but includes one guest per CIO invited to participate. Our members asked for this format in planning. There are topics when the roundtable format is most effective but the CIOs want staff managers to participate in the discussions.
    • There are also full membership meetings, which are open meetings for CIO members, vendor members and invited guest attendees. The full membership meetings include the participation of a select number of vendors who have vendor membership in the Mid-Atlantic CIO Forum. Each CIO member can invite persons from their staffs to participate in these larger meetings.
  • The aim of providing a forum for CIO’s to meet and be able to discuss and learn in an environment of their liking does not allow for marketing activities, vendor solicitations and/or recruiting efforts at its functions.



Please Join Us

We encourage Chief Information Officers and other senior-level executives who have responsibility for all aspects of their companies’ information technology and systems in medium to large scale operations to browse our website and to contact us about participation in the Mid-Atlantic CIO Forum. CIO’s from business and not-for-profit organizations are encouraged to apply for membership. Membership includes participation in a spin-off Security Networking Group (SNG) for CIOs and/or their Chief Security Officers. For information on meeting times and topics, please click here.

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Towson, MD 21204

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Website by IMPACT Marketing & Public Relations

© 2023 Mid-Atlantic CIO Forum. All Rights Reserved.

Website by IMPACT Marketing & Public Relations